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Cruise Catering Hotel


Y A L T A  
C R U I S E  
H O T E L  &  C A T E R I N G  
T R A I N I N G  C E N T R E  

   Accreditation    For сruise сo.,
   and restaurants
Urgently! The vacancy of Tour Scout, Barkeeper and Photo Assistant was opened to the German company ...
В апреле ( дата будет уточнена)2008 года состоиться очередное интервью с представителями PRINCESS CR...
В феврале 2008 года состоится очередное интервью с представителями PRINCESS CRUISES(USA)и CUNARD (UK...

Transit Express      AIDA cruises



    The sample of application form and questionnaire can be loaded from our site and printed on-line! For this purpose you will need the program Adobe Acrobat Reader or plug-in from Acrobat for your browser. If you do not have anything from above listed please, click here.

     > Sample of application form
     > Sample of questionnaire: rar, doc.

    You may also make an inquiry to receive via Email versions of these documents.


    Please carefully read all rules, canons and other information on the educational centre and courses.

    Print application forms and questionnaires which can be taken on this page, and fill them in.

    Employees of our educational institution may furnish you with these documents and to instruct you how correctly fill them in. Also you may receive from our employees any information which you are interested in.

    Also it is necessary to attach to the application and the questionnaire, the certified copies of documents (diploma, certificate etc.) about your education, 6 color photos (passport size), 1 color full-length photo, a copy of pages of your passport (1, 2 pages and page with a registration), medical certificate.

    All above listed documents may personally be handed over to the secretary of the educational centre or sent by mail. Please, send all necessary documents by registered mail or express service. In case documents are sent by mail, please inform us about it by phone.

    After receipt of the Application and all necessary documents, your candidature will be considered. In case you meet all requirements, the "Invitation" will be sent to you, or you will be informed by the phone about matriculation for training. If you have submitted the application for training under Levels 2,3,4, you should pass in addition test based on knowledge of English language.

    In case a student, already enrolled for training, wants to postpone his training for later term, he should notify the educational centre regarding his decision in writing.


      Contact: 43a, Troitskaya Street, Odessa, Ukraine. tel. +38 (093) 168 55 99
      Copyright © 2003 YCHCTC, All right reserved. |