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Cruise Catering Hotel


Y A L T A  
C R U I S E  
H O T E L  &  C A T E R I N G  
T R A I N I N G  C E N T R E  

   Accreditation    For сruise сo.,
   and restaurants
Urgently! The vacancy of Tour Scout, Barkeeper and Photo Assistant was opened to the German company ...
В апреле ( дата будет уточнена)2008 года состоиться очередное интервью с представителями PRINCESS CR...
В феврале 2008 года состоится очередное интервью с представителями PRINCESS CRUISES(USA)и CUNARD (UK...

Transit Express      AIDA cruises



Modern Concepts of Education

     Yalta Cruise, Hotel & Catering Training Center, recently has developed a flexible education programs in different fields of the Hotel industry. All courses perfectly implement balance of practical and theoretical knowledge. It is a guarantee that graduates of the centre at their entry level will be competent and professional experts in their profession.
     Full Service Cruise Management, a USA company, our partner of the educational centre has developed a unique package of courses in cooperation with different universities in the USA.
     The diploma of the Yalta educational centre is a reward for successful accomplishment of strict and difficult process of training. It symbolizes effort. Also it shows the professional level of training of a student and may serve as a recommendation to future employers in the Hotel, Food and Beverage Industry.
     The educational center completely meets all modern requirements. During training students can use the last technology of equipment, and practically use all range of the means necessary for studying their speciality. Graduation of the Yalta Cruise, Hotel & Catering Training Center is the first and important step before to join a growing organization.


     The Yalta Cruise, Hotel & Catering Training Center has passed certification and accreditation with the Ministry of Education of Ukraine and has now the right to teach.
     Process of certification and accreditation guarantees quality of education according to the curriculum of the centre. The curriculum is adequate to the real business world, and is recognized by experts in the Hotel Industry. The curriculum offers various qualifications at different levels. Certification also confirms that the library and information resources of the school are there to help the students during their training to develop their knowledge.

What it gives to students and graduates of the Yalta Cruise, Hotel & Catering Training Center?

     The institution which has passed certification and accreditation, which is managed by professional of the Hotel Industry, will be sure that will receive the appropriate training in the Hotel Industry, to be successful with the future employers.


      Contact: 43a, Troitskaya Street, Odessa, Ukraine. tel. +38 (093) 168 55 99
      Copyright © 2003 YCHCTC, All right reserved. |