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Cruise Catering Hotel


Y A L T A  
C R U I S E  
H O T E L  &  C A T E R I N G  
T R A I N I N G  C E N T R E  

   Accreditation    For сruise сo.,
   and restaurants
Urgently! The vacancy of Tour Scout, Barkeeper and Photo Assistant was opened to the German company ...
В апреле ( дата будет уточнена)2008 года состоиться очередное интервью с представителями PRINCESS CR...
В феврале 2008 года состоится очередное интервью с представителями PRINCESS CRUISES(USA)и CUNARD (UK...

Transit Express      AIDA cruises



     This section is designed for service staff with work experience on cruise vessels, or in hotels, restaurants and bars, and who wish to get a job on cruise vessels. Work experience should be not less than one year. The candidate’ knowledge of English language should be of a good level. Knowledge of the second foreign language, such as German, Italian is considered as an advantage.
     In order to get a job on cruise vessel, you need to fill in the questionnaire which is attached below and send us by E-Mail, or by ordinary mail. In case your candidature will kindle cruise company's interest, we will contact you on the specified phone.
     If you have work experience only on shore (hotels, restaurants, bars, etc.), it will be necessary for you to pass an additional training in one of the Ukrainian training centers and to receive the following certificates:
    - Personal survival techniques;
    - Certificate of competency;
    - Crowd management certificate;
    - Seaman identification card;

Position(s) Desired: *  
Available from: *
Last Name: *
First Name: *
Address: *
City: *
Province / State: *
Country: *
Postal / Zip Code: *
Phone: *
E-mail: *
Nationality: *
Sex: * Mail     Female
Date Born: *
Born Where: *



      Contact: 43a, Troitskaya Street, Odessa, Ukraine. tel. +38 (093) 168 55 99
      Copyright © 2003 YCHCTC, All right reserved. |