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Cruise Catering Hotel


Y A L T A  
C R U I S E  
H O T E L  &  C A T E R I N G  
T R A I N I N G  C E N T R E  

   Accreditation    For сruise сo.,
   and restaurants
Urgently! The vacancy of Tour Scout, Barkeeper and Photo Assistant was opened to the German company ...
В апреле ( дата будет уточнена)2008 года состоиться очередное интервью с представителями PRINCESS CR...
В феврале 2008 года состоится очередное интервью с представителями PRINCESS CRUISES(USA)и CUNARD (UK...

Transit Express      AIDA cruises



    The Yalta Cruise, Hotel & Catering Training Center is private educational institution (Society with limited liability). It is located in the two-story building with general area about 1000 sq. m.
    On the second floor there are eight educational class-rooms for theoretical classes with a capacity of 15 up to 50 persons. Each educational class-room is equipped by video-TV equipment, teaching materials and manuals necessary to achieve theoretical occupations.
    On ground floor all practical rooms are located:
    - A training bar for 18 sitting places;
    - A training restaurant for forty two sitting places is equipped with tables for 2, 4 and 6 sitting places;
    - Two training cabins of class "standard" and "lux" for maid;
    - A training kitchen for 15 workplaces, equipped with working tables, utensils and kitchen tools and equipment, three 4-burners electric stoves, frying surface, a deep fryer, convection oven.
    - A bakery and pastry area, equipped with working tables, racks, 3 sinks compartments, utensils, 3 section baking oven, kneading machine;
    - A meat-fish area, equipped with working tables, racks, 3 sinks compartments, utensils, refrigerators and cooling table, a meat grinder;
    - Cold snack area, equipped with working tables, racks, 3 sinks compartments, utensils, refrigerators, a vegetable cutter;
    - Vegetable area, equipped with working tables, racks, 3 sinks compartments, utensils, refrigerators, potato-peeler;
    - Washing area, equipped with 3 sinks compartments, dishwashers for plates and glasses;
    - Rest rooms and bathrooms;
     The center is fully equipped up to the standards of Western countries and meets to requirements for training.


     Classes in the Yalta educational centre
     on the Level_1 begin from September 1st,
     on the Level _2 from September 1st and February 1st,
     on the Level _3 from September 1st, December 1st and March 1st,
     on the Level _4 - depending of groups completing.


     Much to our regret, our educational centre has no hostel for students. But we are ready to assist in rent of private apartments for students, with average cost 5-10 gr. per day per person.


     Each student is provided with proper uniform during his or her stay for training.


     On the graduation of training, students receive the Certificate on assignment of working qualification (for professions: Cook, Pastry-Cook, Barman, Waiter, Cabin Stewardess, Receptionist).

     The certificate on assignment of working qualification confirms, that a student is trained and is able to apply principles, skills, abilities, professional skills and the skills necessary for performance of specific kinds of works according to the appropriated category. The program of the course prepares students to the beginning of work in public catering industry on initial and average levels.
     Duration of a course takes 4-10 months which cover both theoretical preparation, and practical training in the Yalta centre and at production.
     During the entire course students will attend the following disciplines:

     Organization of production and service of visitors of public catering establishments.
     This course helps to practice the received knowledge. It is made so that to transfer the basic concepts regarding service of consumers and speciality of serving of snack, courses and drinks, about special forms of catering services and service of banquets and receptions, regarding features in organization of service of foreign tourists and service on cruise vessels, about culture of service and rules of etiquette. This course gives students apprehension on how much service and servicing influence mood of visitors during a meal. They will understand, that well trained service staff should be polite, courteous, executive, fast and attentive in order to provide a pleasant rest of visitors. They will learn how important to develop the practical skills, necessary for appropriate service in the market of public catering establishments which help to achieve satisfaction of the client.

     The culinary characteristic and technology of preparation of drinks.
     This course gives apprehension on the vast range of alcoholic beverages and soft drinks, and also about methods of their preparation and service. The part of a course is devoted to production and servicing of wine and beer, also it gives to the student apprehension about various world wine-making centers. Students will receive apprehension about bases of the cost control, and also will learn the practical side of barman’s activities and preparation of variety of drinks.

     The culinary characteristic of courses.
     This course gives apprehension about the basic methods and technologies of food preparation, and basic components of courses, regarding methods and techniques of servicing of dishes and composition of a menu, about kinds of menu and idea of a course, culinary production.

     Commodity research of nutritive and gustatory products.
     This course gives apprehension about assortment of domestic and foreign products. Students receive information about nutritive value of products, their use in nutrition and also requirements to quality, packing, marks, conditions and storage periods of gustatory products .

     Course of special technology for Cook and Pastry Cook.
     This course helps to apply science of nourishment in daily life and to use in cookery modern achievements of science and technology. The course gives apprehension on technological process of cooking of courses, breakdown of technological process, importance of correct processing of products, about a role of cook and pastry cook in the cause of improvement of production quality, expansion of courses assortment, increase of culture of consumers service and sanitation requirements, which demand processing of products, labor safety in different areas of culinary processing of products.

     Course of special technology for Receptionist and Cabin Stewardess.
     This course will help students to apply a science of hospitality in daily life. It is made so that to transfer the basic concepts regarding service of visitors, to ideate the professional skills necessary for performance of certain work or group of works. During a course students study all methods of work and train difficult art of association with visitors.
     This course gives students apprehension on how kindly spirit and polite service influence mood of visitors during their stay in hotel or onboard a ship. Students are trained to tendency to serve visitors in such a way so that they would wish to return again and would recommend others to stay in this particular hotel. They will understand, that well trained service staff should be polite, courteous, executive, fast and attentive in order to provide pleasant rest of visitors. They will learn the importance of developing practical skills necessary for appropriate service in hotel or cruise market which help to achieve satisfaction of clients.

     English language.
     This course gives students basic training in spoken English, with an accent on oral speech understanding and base of writing.
     Spoken skills are also given, accent is put on studying of a lexicon of hotel, restaurant and cruise industry and for daily use. This course is necessary for the students who wish to be employed on international cruise vessels.
     Along with special disciplines, students attend courses of guide-line disciplines such as: labor safety; physiology of nourishment, sanitation and hygiene; professional etiquette and psychology, bases of labor legislation.
     The course is being let out by theoretical and industrial training in any chosen profession by industrial practice directly at the enterprises of city of Yalta after which qualifying certification is being made.

(for professions: Barman, Waiter, Cook, Pastry Cook, Cabin Stewardess).

     Programs are developed first of all for specialists with work experience and qualification of low and average level. Programs of increase of working qualification are developed in order to provide students with principles, abilities and professional skills necessary for performance of average and high level of complexity kinds of works and groups of works according to the appropriated category. The program of the course prepares students for work in hotel and public catering industry on average and high levels.
     Duration of the course is 1-4 months which provide both theoretical preparation, and practice in the Yalta centre and on production.
     During the entire course students will listen to above-said disciplines but at more profound level.
     After termination of training students receive the certificate of competency of advanced qualification courses.


      Contact: 43a, Troitskaya Street, Odessa, Ukraine. tel. +38 (093) 168 55 99
      Copyright © 2003 YCHCTC, All right reserved. |