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Cruise Catering Hotel


Y A L T A  
C R U I S E  
H O T E L  &  C A T E R I N G  
T R A I N I N G  C E N T R E  

   Accreditation    For сruise сo.,
   and restaurants
Urgently! The vacancy of Tour Scout, Barkeeper and Photo Assistant was opened to the German company ...
В апреле ( дата будет уточнена)2008 года состоиться очередное интервью с представителями PRINCESS CR...
В феврале 2008 года состоится очередное интервью с представителями PRINCESS CRUISES(USA)и CUNARD (UK...

Transit Express      AIDA cruises



     Training program for wine stewards is devoted to receiving of qualitative education based on European and world standards, and allows to prepare certificated specialists who can work know-how on cruise vessels and in restaurants. Also this program is designed for perspective development of this sphere and increase of quantity of workplaces in it.

The goal of the Program:

     To provide theoretical and practical training in getting of wine steward speciality, according to recognized European and world standards, preparation for innovations in cruise and restaurant industry just as in granting an opportunity to practice and apply this theoretical knowledge.

     The course gives students understanding about work of a wine steward through an industrial practice, that enables students to apply the received knowledge and skills and also to expand further their skills.

     Those knowledge is necessary for professional wine stewards for performance of duties such as giving recommendations and providing wines to gests of public catering enterprises, selection and proper use of wine glass-ware, maintenance of hygiene and sanitation level, maintenance of safety requirements.

     To engraft good taste and to bring up ethical behavior and methods of work, ability to show skills and professionalism at all stages of work of professional wine steward.

     Basic methods of work of wine steward with accent on European and basic world cruise and hotel standards, technical characteristics and exploitation of equipment.

      Our personnel:
     Teachers have the richest work experience in the best hotels of Ukraine, Russia and are participants of various competitions, where they placed and have shown their high professionalism. They have passed accreditation in the Ministry of Education of the Crimea.

Studying of the program

     Training is carried out under three programs, destined for students with different level of vocational trading.
     Level 1 is destined for students without wine steward speciality and knowledge of English language, and who would like to receive a speciality and qualification of wine steward. Duration of studying is 8 months.
     There is five days per week training in our modern classrooms for theoretical classes and in training bars and restaurants. Classes are carried out by a form of introductory explanation of a theme with the further detailed studying of object of the lesson. Methods of work are explained and accompanied by demonstration of our teachers. The classes come to an end with comments of teachers and presentation of basic methods of work.
     It is planned to visit constantly the best hotels of Yalta and cruise vessels where students can familiarize with methods and practical works and also the best wine factories located in Yalta. Periodically students will listen to lectures and attend master-classes, carried out by the best recognized specialists in this sphere. Students also have opportunity to practice in real conditions, demonstrating skills which they gained during theoretical and practical studying.

Received knowledge during studying the program

     During training students will get knowledge about work of wine steward, winemaking - how wine is made, concept of blush wine, about world wine-making regions, wine history, about factors influencing quality of wine, California Varieties, about sorts of grapes used for production of white and red wine, about classification of wines, about serving of wines, about decantation of wine, about temperature of submission of wine and pouring the wine, wine vocabulary and descriptions, what is a cruise vessel and public catering enterprise. Students will study theory of wine tasting and rules of definition of wine quality and will learn how to read the wine label. They will get knowledge on sanitation norms, safety and standards of hygiene, USPH requirements. Students will get attainments and skills of recommendation of wines to visitors according to the chosen courses; on granting wines to visitors of restaurant; on opening of bottles with a wine and shampagne.
     The great attention will be paid to studying of English language - for 2-3 hours daily. It is basic requirement for work in international crews of cruise vessels.

     Level 2 is destined for students without wine steward speciality but with good knowledge of English language, and who would like to receive a speciality and qualification of wine steward. Duration of studying is 3 months.
     There is five days per week training in our modern classrooms for theoretical classes and in training bars and restaurants. Classes are carried out by a form of introductory explanation of a theme with the further detailed studying of object of the lesson. Methods of work are explained and accompanied by demonstration of our teachers. The classes come to an end with comments of teachers and presentation of basic methods of work.
     It is planned to visit constantly the best hotels of Yalta and cruise vessels where students can familiarize with methods and practical works and also the best wine factories located in Yalta. Periodically students will listen to lectures and attend master-classes, carried out by the best recognized specialists in this sphere. Students also have opportunity to practice in real conditions, demonstrating skills which they gained during theoretical and practical studying.

Received knowledge during studying the program

     During training students will get knowledge about work of wine steward, winemaking and about world wine-making regions, wine history, about factors influencing quality of wine, about sorts of grapes used for production of white and red wine, about classification of wines, about serving of wines, about decantation of wine, about temperature of submission of wine, what is a cruise vessel and public catering enterprise. Students will study theory of wine tasting and rules of definition of wine quality. They will get knowledge on sanitation norms, safety and standards of hygiene, USPH requirements. Students will get attainments and skills of recommendation of wines to visitors according to the chosen courses; on granting wines to visitors of restaurant; on opening of bottles with a wine and shampagne.
     Also there will be studying of English language but the main accent will be made on vocabulary and terminology of restaurant industry and construction of a vessel. During educational process the students will get knowledge on the menu and ingredients in Russian and English. They will get attainments and skills of operation with alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

     Level 3 is destined for students with wine steward speciality and with good knowledge of English language and also work experience in restaurant industry and who would like to get employment on cruise vessels. Duration of studying is 1 month.
     There is five days per week training in our modern classrooms for theoretical classes and in training bars and restaurants. Classes are carried out by a form of introductory explanation of a theme with the further detailed studying of object of the lesson. Methods of work are explained and accompanied by demonstration of our teachers. The classes come to an end with comments of teachers and presentation of basic methods of work.
     It is planned to visit constantly the best hotels of Yalta and cruise vessels where students can familiarize with methods and practical works and also the best wine factories located in Yalta. Periodically students will listen to lectures and attend master-classes, carried out by the best recognized specialists in this sphere. Students also have opportunity to practice in real conditions, demonstrating skills which they were studying in theory.

Received knowledge during studying the program

     During training students will get an additional knowledge about work of wine steward. They will learn outstanding characteristics and methods of work of wine steward on cruise vessels and public catering enterprises. They will structure of crew on cruise vessel. They will learn what is cruise vessel and public catering enterprises. They will get knowledge on sanitation processing, safety and standards of hygiene, USPH requirements.
     Also there will be studying of English language but the main accent will be made on culinary specialization, beverages and construction of a vessel.


      Contact: 43a, Troitskaya Street, Odessa, Ukraine. tel. +38 (093) 168 55 99
      Copyright © 2003 YCHCTC, All right reserved. |